Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Quick Start A Truck Battery

3. Turn off the other truck and remove the keys from both trucks. Grab your jumper cables (with your rubber gloves on, if possible) and connect the positive (red) side of one of the connectors to the red side of your truck battery.

With Jumper Cables

1. Interrogate someone with another goodly Motor lorry or vehivle to administer you a drop dawn; preferably a vehicle that is in a superior way than yours. This is since most trucks and vans accept more powerful batteries as compared to cars.

2. Park the other truck facing and adjacent to your truck so that the two batteries are closest to each other. If you can't, most jumper cables are long enough to accommodate two trucks that are parked right next to each other.

When you own to hop launch a Motor lorry, if it be a blimp trailer, a Stirring Motor lorry, or all the more conscientious a great SUV or pickup Motor lorry, the channels is slightly disparate. You generally won't own yet accomplishment caper starting a considerable Motor lorry using a limited compact motorcar over the battery is less competent. Provided you detain the honorable tools on you at all times and perceive the logical steps for getting your Motor lorry started back up in occasion of a drained battery, this besides typical vehivle annoyance won't be also still disquiet for you in the coming.


Then connect the negative (black) side to the other side of the battery. The red and black sides of the battery are usually designated by color or with a positive or negative sign.

4. While assuring that you keep the other two connectors completely separated, bring them over to the other truck and do the same thing (red to red/positive side and black to black/negative side).

5. Have the other truck owner get in and start his truck up. Allow the truck to run for a few minutes, and then have the other truck owner rev the engine a few times.

6. Get in your truck and start it up.

With a Truck Battery Charger

7. Purchase a truck battery charger. Make sure that the product specifically states "truck" as some chargers don't come with enough power to give a truck a jump start. You can get these at your local auto parts store, at a trucking service station, or online.

Remove the keys from the truck.

8. Connect the positive connection to the red side of your truck battery, then the negative side. Turn on the battery charger and allow it to charge up for a few minutes.

9. Ask a friend to hold the battery charger up so that it won't fall from its position. Get into the truck and start it up.