2. Lift the rear of the Honda Prelude off the ground with machine jacks. Column the vehicle safely on all sides with jack stands. Construct definite that little children stay absent of the world while replacing the brakes.
1. Siphon all the brake fluid from the skilled cylinder reservoir. Adoption a suction gun or syringe to remove the brake fluid an empty it into an approved container.
Close a majority of passenger cars, Honda Preludes normally carry drum brakes in the rear. There are all the more some Preludes, but, that bear rear CD brakes. Whether your Honda Prelude is one of the unusual with rear CD brakes, you Testament duty a different meeting adhesive (object character o8798-9010) and some rubber grease when you moderate the brakes.
3. Haul gone the caliper bolts and remove the caliper from the caliper bracket. Slide away the old brake pads and shims. Remove the pad retainers and verify that the caliper pins move freely.
4. Spread a thin coat of M77 assembly paste to the brake pads and the area of the shims that contact the brake pads. Clean up the extra paste from the shims to prevent spreading. Fasten the brake pads and shims to the caliper.
5. Turn the caliper piston counterclockwise until it retreats into the cylinder. Turn the piston back slightly so that the notches on the piston line up with the tabs on the inner pad. Apply rubber grease to the piston boot.
6. Lay the caliper piston over the top of the brake pads. Replace the caliper bolts and torque to the required specifications.
7. Replace the tire and wheel assemblies. Lower the Prelude to the ground and pump the brakes to seat the piston and brake pads. Verify that the parking brake operates correctly.