Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Use A Sun Roof Inside A Ford Focus

3. Drill a hole through one of the dimples and cut out the template with metal shears. Use a file on the edges to make them smooth and set the sunroof frame in the opening to test the fit.


1. Prepare the drudge field by laying gone all of the tools and parts needed for the project. Push the seat all the course of action back and settle a chapter or tarp over the interior.

2. Dominance the Screen tray up on the interior of the roof and push a screwdriver nailed down the headliner at Everyone corner, moulding a small dimple in the roof. Tape the template to the roof using the dimples as a guide. Remove the headliner and support panels.

Installing a sunroof in a Ford Focus requires a stable plam and exclusive tools. A sunroof offers the unfastened driving experience without the severe wind buffeting of a convertible. A sunroof in a Ford Meeting place can be up to Seventeen inches Broad and Thirty one inches enlarged. Putting a sunroof in a Ford Focus is a decided fashion to dash off the driving practice a cramped extra comfortable. Make any adjustment required and coat the bare metal with primer to withstand rusting.

4. Clean the bottom of the sunroof and run a bead of sealant around the lip. Drop the sunroof frame into place and connect the clamping ring and screws, taking care not to overtighten them.

5. Assemble remainder of the roof per the manual's instructions and clean up any excess sealant. Replace the headliner on the Focus using a razor knife to make any adjustments.