Friday, June 26, 2015

Choose The Best Size Welding Electrodes

The American Welding Kingdom (AWS) provides specifications for a Broad fluctuation of welding electrodes, classifying them by their mechanical properties, the positions in which electrodes can be used, and the type of flux coating and the happening with which electrodes can be used. Further, immensity is an critical Element of electrode Grouping; you must receive the equitable electrode size in distribution to prevent electrode damage and beggarly welds caused by as well grand or low a ongoing.


1. The higher current you need, the larger your electrode must be. For example, if you require Two hundred seventy five amps of current, an electrode 5/16 inches in diameter will most likely provide it while an electrode 1/16-inch in diameter most likely will not.

Refer to the manufacturer's instructions for the particular material that you will be welding to determine how much welding current you require.

3. Use the electrode manufacturer's specifications to determine which electrode size, of the particular type and brand that you have chosen, will provide the welding current that you need. Cinch what altruistic of welding electrode you duty. For example, thoriated tungsten electrodes deed good penetration and arc-starting characteristics over a variety of currents while electrodes alloyed with zirconium are used to make critical welds in the aircraft and missile industries. The type of welding electrode is critical to size since two different kinds of welding electrodes, of the same size, may provide markedly different currents.2.