Thursday, December 24, 2015

Build An Atv Snow Plow

Attaching a snow plough to an ATV is fruitful because the vehicle is miniature and can impress in areas that a broad snow plow pc cannot obtain into. Though an ATV is mostly used during perspiring weather for amusing, it can include a practical exercise during the winter months with the Appendix of a snow plough.


1. Buy Three sheets of steel. Entertain one reduce of 12-gauge steel Six inches thick. This can be bought at any hardware store or online (clock Income below).

2. Haul the shape of the plough on the steel, then abbreviate it with a proverb. Be decided to assent to the curve of the plough, otherwise it Testament come away smaller than you wanted.

3. Habitat the steel enclosing an oil barrel.This Testament constitute the round shape that is needed. Appliance a blowtorch in order to apply enough heat to accomplish and hold the shape of the snow plow. Do this for Fifteen minutes.

4.5. Weld on attachments to the back of the snow plow. This will be for lifting the snow plow from your ATV. In order to do so you will need to determine how big the snow plow is and about where you will want the plow placed in front of the ATV.

Remove the steel from the barrel once it is cooled. Then trace the snow plow onto another sheet of steel. Cut the shape out with a saw. This will be welded onto the back of the snow plow. Use two steel braces and weld it onto the front of the ATV and under the snow plow.

6. Coat the snow plow with rust-proof primer. Apply three coats and wait Fifteen minutes before each application.

7. Prepare the blade for the snow plow. Use the iron sheet and cut a section as long as the plow is and about Four inches wide. Sharpen one edge Lay it onto the end of the snowplow. Drill holes Five inches apart and insert rivets into the iron sheet to the snow plow.