Monday, April 13, 2015

Eliminate The Antifreeze On The Mazda Mx6

13. Close the petcock valve by turning it counterclockwise with needle nose pliers.14.


Draining the Cooling System

1. Up thrust the vehicle using an automotive jack and cornerstone with jack stands placed underneath the front subframe.

2. Place the petcock valve on the lower true corner of the radiator. Levy a squander oil group pan underneath it.

3. Extensive the radiator cap, by urgent down on it with your plam and turning it counterclockwise.

4. Unlocked the petcock valve by turning it counterclockwise with needle nose pliers. Acquiesce the cooling system to empty completely.

5. Void the engine coolant into an appropriately sized container.

Flushing the Cooling System

6. Turn the heater controls inside the vehicle to the maximum position.

7. Embrace a garden hose into the opening for the radiator cap.

8. Turn on the flood hose and remit damp to extract wrapped up the method into the crowd pan. You Testament get to transform the pans Often. Adjust the flow of the water so the level in the radiator remains consistently full.

9. Run the engine, and allow the system to flush until the water exiting the radiator is clear.

10. Shut off the engine.

11. Turn off the garden hose.

12. Allow all the water to drain from the engine.

Refilling the Cooling System

The cooling and heating development in a Mazda MX-6 is comprised of the radiator, douse pump, heater core and inundate passages located within the engine block. Over allotment, antifreeze can consent sludge inside these components. Exorbitant sludge can argument rust inside the thin metal tubes in the radiator and heater core, and can basis the seals in the drench pump to leak. Flushing the cooling manner is a straightforward procedure that can be accomplished by the vehicle owner, and can save costly repairs in the prospect.

Lower the vehicle, using an automotive jack.

15. Refill the radiator with a 50-50 mix of antifreeze and water.

16. Run the engine with the radiator cap off for five minutes. This will bleed air from the cooling system.

17.Reinstall the radiator cap by dropping it into position. Then press down on it with your hand and rotate it clockwise.