Friday, April 10, 2015

Switch The Alternator Belt On The 2002 Kia Spectra

Save bill by replacing your own alternator girdle.

The Two thousand two Kia Spectra's alternator girth provides gift to the engine. Honest agnate other engine components, the alternator band undergoes common wear and tear and needs to be replaced to prevent engine failure. A whining that emanates from the front of the engine indicates that it is day to exchange the alternator cummerbund. The girdle's appearance can extremely be telling. Provided it looks frayed or worn down, it should be replaced. Re-attach the ground cable to the battery and close the car hood.

In the engine compartment, fix the alternator. On top of the alternator you Testament study a centre bolt. Handle a socket wrench to loosen this bolt, however achieve not remove it completely.

2. Fix the alternator zone and loosen it from its pulleys by applying pressure to the alternator and moving it in the direction of the engine. Once the alternator belt is loosened, pull it off from its pulleys.

3. Install the new alternator belt. It must run around the alternator pulley, the water pump pulley and the alternator pulley. With the new alternator belt in place, adjust it over the pulleys by bringing the alternator back to its original position, away from the engine. Make sure the belt is tight around the pulleys, then tighten the pivot bolt on top of the alternator.

4. It is and recommended to replace the alternator belt after your vehicle has surpassed 100,000 miles.


1. Lift the motorcar hood and disconnect the ground cable from the battery's antagonistic terminal.