Thursday, April 2, 2015

Create A Metal Truck Bumper

As fit as trucks are, there's all the more margin to generate them tougher. Building a custom metal bumper includes fab elbow grease, on the other hand it can add additional service, style and illumination to your Motor lorry and cinch it stands elsewhere in a troop. You Testament charge welding skills for this project. Nevertheless, this is aloof one expedient To erect a custom metal bumper.


1. Section the poster board into a 4-inch-wide strip using the tape degree, scissors and permanent marker.3. Distance the poster board into the frame horns and speck the workshop bolt holes using the permanent marker.

Remove the foundry bumper using the 1/2-inch ratchet and socket establish. Then pull off the bumper from the rear of the Motor lorry2.

This is going to be a template for the bumper brackets, so mark them and cut them to form an exact template.

4. Transfer the template to the 4-inch flat stock using the permanent marker. Make two brackets, one for each side of the bumper.

5. Cut out the marked area using the band saw and drill press.

6. Bolt the brackets that you just made to the stock frame bumper mounts using the 1/2-inch bolts and hardware and the 1/2-inch ratchet and sockets.

7. Place the square tubing on the bumper brackets so that the top of the bracket is level with the top of the square tubing. Measure from side to side to make sure it's even on both sides.

8. Weld the square tubing to the brackets using the MIG welder, helmet and gloves.

9. Paint the bumper and brackets using the black spray paint to prevent any possible corrosion.