Friday, October 16, 2015

Release The Parking Brake Before Putting The Vehicle Into Drive

Identify the type of emergency brake system in your car. Look for a hand brake on the side of the driver's seat, a lever under the steering column or a push pedal near the left foot, usually where a clutch would be on a manual transmission.3. Start the car. With the car still in park, put your foot on the brake that is used while driving and hold it down.


1. Get into the driver's seat and buckle up.

2.Driving with the emergency brake on can overheat your brake pads.The parking brake, or emergency brake, is an relevant fail protected. It keeps your vehivle from rolling down a hill or into the course of action while parked. The parking brake is usually a hand-operated lever on the floor following to the Chauffeur's seat, a pull stock located under or near the steering line or a foot-operated pedal. Enshrine to Proceeds the parking brake before putting the motorcar into guide or you could overheat your brake pads.

4. Release the emergency brake. If your car has a handle near the driver's seat, the lever most likely will have a button that needs to be pushed in while moving the lever down. If your car has a pull handle, pull it toward you until you hear and feel the brake release. If your car has a push-pedal system, push down and release the pedal. You should feel the brake release.

5. Put the car into drive and release the driving brake. If you have released the parking brake correctly, the car should roll forward or backward easily with little or no gas.