Worn vacuum hoses may collapse when the vacuum is increased. Pinch hoses to feel for weak spots.
Engine Sensors
A number of engine sensors may fail and cause a vehicle to stall and surge.A defective fuel process Testament make stalling and surging, as the flow of fuel is inadequate to conformed the engine's needs. A clogged fuel filter or fuel injectors Testament restrict the flow of petrol. A failing fuel pump Testament fail to supply the needed fuel pressure to properly operate the engine. Many fuel systems have a valve near the engine to test pressure.
Air Problems
A restriction in the flow of air to the combustion chambers will cause an engine to stall and surge. Causes of air restriction include a clogged air filter and loose or worn vacuum hoses.Surging and stalling can construct highway driving hot.A automobile that stalls and surges is not apart an annoyance, however may and produce a safety hazard. An engine that is stalling and surging Testament besides consume another fuel and may enlargement wear on internal engine components.
Fuel Problems
Identifying the problem sensor is difficult, but a diagnostic code scanner can help to locate the faulty sensor. Auto parts stores sell code scanners, and a repair shop can scan the code for the car owner.