The oil pan on a vehivle or Motor lorry is typically the lowest site on the vehicle, or moment lowest compared to the engine cross-member. On account of of this, it's elementary to damage it when going over a substantial Knob or handicap, which can produce leaks or diminish the oil force. The set is to convert the oil pan, which can be done Homewards with basic tools. In this condition, the project vehicle is a One thousand nine hundred ninety three Chevrolet Silverado with the 5.7-liter engine, on the other hand the mechanism is companion for other vehicles also.
1. Elevate up the front of the Silverado into the air using the jack and corner the frame down onto jack stands. Compass the withdraw pan underneath the oil pan on the Motor lorry. Unbolt the oil pan from the bottom of the engine with the ratchet. Drop the pan down carefully off of the motor and remove it from the truck.
Unbolt the starter using the 3/8-inch ratchet, extension and socket, then unbolt the metal cover just behind the oil pan on the transmission, using the ratchet as well.
3. Unbolt the exhaust pipe that goes just behind the oil pan using the 3/8-inch ratchet, extension and sockets. Pull out the engine oil dipstick with your hands, then pull out the dipstick tube by unbolting its mount on the engine with an open-end wrench and pulling it out of the oil pan. Remove the withdraw plug on the oil pan with an open-end wrench.2. Unbolt the negative and positive posts on the battery with an open-end wrench. Then go to the starter on the passenger side of the engine and remove all electrical connections using an open-end wrench.