Friday, November 14, 2014

Make Use Of A Check Engine Analyzer

Most portals are on the far left of the dashboard.2. Plug the OBD-II scanner into the receptacle under the dashboard.3.


1. Search under the dashboard of the vehicle for the OBD-II portal.The trial engine analyser, otherwise published as a scanner, retrieves the mistake codes from an on-board diagnostic (OBD) transaction. The OBD-II development was placed in cars as early as 1994, and it was required by code on all vehicles produced after Jan 1, 1996, closest text of the Disinfected Air Feature. Vehicles are governed by one of three leading OBD-II protocols. Chrysler, European and most Asian imports advantage ISO Nine thousand one hundred fourty one circuitry; Accepted Motors uses SAE J1850 VPW; and Ford uses SAE J1850 PW.

Turn the ignition to the "On" position, nevertheless discharge not dawn the vehicle.

4. Press the "Survey" Press-stud on the device when prompted.

5. Read the code that appears on the screen of the scanner. The most common OBD-II codes are those related to the powertrain, which are indicated by a "P." There are also body codes (marked by a "B") and chassis codes (marked by a "C"). These letters are followed by four digits. For instance, P0562 is the code that indicates that the system voltage is low.

6. Compare the code on the scanner to the OBD-II list of codes (see Resource).