The fuel pump on a One thousand nine hundred ninety four Chevy Camaro is located in the fuel receptacle. It is mounted in tandem with the fuel consistent sending unit. The '94 Camaro fuel pump receives its capacity wound up an electromagnetic switch, called a relay, located in the fuse/relay box situated on the front driver-side fender bushy-tailed. The pc (the engine dominion module or ECM) actuates the relay for two seconds unless it senses an engine exit and enlargement in rpm. Whether it does not notion an engine day one and enlargement in rpm, the machine breaks the connexion after two seconds, thus shutting the fuel pump off. This is a safety precaution to prevent the fuel pump from pumping fuel into an engine that is off or not working properly.
1. Evaluation the fuel pump fuse in the fuse/relay box by enchanting the incorporate off and examining the diagram under the contain. Place the fuse and the relay for the fuel pump. Proof and interchange the fuse whether it is blown and bid to begin the vehicle. Whether the fuse was blown and replaced however the Camaro even Testament not exit, proceed to the coterminous method.
2. Remove the air duct between the air cleaner Component and the throttle entity, using a screwdriver to loosen the clamps. Dehiscent the throttle entity by pushing the throttle linkage on the side of the throttle target. The relay should click audibly if it works. If you do not hear a click, switch to the next two terminal legs. If you do not hear a click, replace the relay. If the fuel pump still malfunctions, replace the fuel pump.
Locate the fuel pump relay and pull it out. Notice that the relay has four legs. There are four female terminals in the relay box. Use the voltmeter, with its black lead connected to a good ground and the red lead as a probe. There should be one terminal with battery power with the key off when probing the terminals. Employ a helper for this next test. Have a helper cycle the ignition key on and off every few seconds while you probe the remaining three terminals for power. The circuit is good if there is power present (as shown on the voltmeter) when cycling the key.
4. Connect the two jumper wires to the battery terminals--one on the positive terminal and one on the negative terminal. Make sure to keep these wires from touching each other. Connect the red positive jumper to a leg of the relay, and touch the opposite leg with the black ground wire. Spray a one-second squirt of carburettor cleaner into the throttle body. Close the valve and attempt to start the vehicle. If it starts for a few seconds, the fuel pump or the fuel pump relay is bad.3.