Monday, October 5, 2015

Verify Car Insurance

This information should be on the insurance card.3. Contact the insurance agency and give them the information you have. The insurance agency should be able to tell you whether or not the person has an active policy.

1. Gather information about the auto insurance that you want to verify. Specifically, get the name of the policyholder, their address and phone number, the name of the insurance provider, the policy number, and the expiration date of the policy. Try to receive the insurance card or proof-of-insurance card of the person being verified.

2. Determine the contact information for the auto insurance group or agency.For anyone who needs to make sure that a prospective Clerk can guide a business automobile, you Testament probably demand to verify that the Worker has some construction of van insurance. Or, provided you are financing a loan for a motorcar, you Testament devoir to make sure that the debtor has insurance. Happily, verifying Car insurance is an evident process.
