According to manufacturer guidelines, air filters should be changed every 30,000 miles when a vehivle is driven under typical conditions, and every 3,000 miles under endure conditions. Changing an air filter in a Kia Spectra is a basic continuation occupation that takes Ten minutes or less to replete. The benefits of a Disinfected air filter are in a superior way Gauze milage and longer engine high spirits, by reason of it allows air to freely flow to the engine.
1. Turn off the vehicle before performing the maintainance on the air filter. Don't turn the vehivle on until the air filter has been completely replaced or there is risk of injury from the engine backfiring.
2. Search for the air filter housing unit on the Chauffeur's side of the Kia. Glance on the centre of the side frame, go consequent to the fuse box.
3. Extended the lid on the air filter housing unit by unclipping the clamps that clout it in lay. Lift up the lid on the filter housing.
4. Remove the filter from the case and discard it. Wipe the inside of the air filter housing out with a damp cloth. Remove any large pieces of debris.
6. Close the lid on the air filter housing unit. Secure the clips to hold the lid firmly in place.
5. Place the new filter in the housing unit of the Kia. Use an air filter from K&N, model number 332201, for Spectras manufactured between Two thousand five and 2008. Look up older models online (see Resources below) or at your local auto supply store.