The diesel engine was invented in Europe toward the borderline of the 19th Century and has remained also regular in Europe than remainder of the macrocosm. The diesel engine motorcar rose in popularity wrapped up the 1980s until the rising cost of diesel fuel sparked a decline that has continued into the 21st Century.
Rudolf Diesel
The diesel engine was invented by Rudolf Diesel, a refrigeration engineer who was born in Paris. His diesel engine received many patents before his dissolution in 1913, the first off patent having been granted in 1892.
The First Diesel Engines
Diesel's masterly patent expired in 1907, after which Engine companies such as Mercedes and Peugeot began daily grind on experimental diesel engines.
1933 Monte Carlo Rally
In One thousand nine hundred ninety seven by oneself Mercedes-Benz and Volkswagen offered diesel engine cars in the USA Such American manufacturers as Ford and Habitual Motors had ceased Industry of diesel engines by this lifetime.
The vehivle was displayed at a One thousand nine hundred thirty six Berlin detached.
Mass Production
Between One thousand nine hundred sixty and 2002, extended than Twenty five manufacturers imaginary at least Two hundred thirty six models of passenger vehicles with diesel engines.
Lord de Clifford entered the One thousand nine hundred thirty three Monte Carlo Rally driving a Bentley with an experimental diesel engine manufactured by British marine and commercial engine manufacturer Gardner. The van finished as the influential British entrant in the rally.