Moderate the worn gone brake lines on your C3 Corvette
The C3 anecdote of the Chevrolet Corvette was manufactured from One thousand nine hundred sixty eight to 1982. A rare commonplace symptoms of poor brake lines are a pulling context upon braking and needing to handle a stronger duress on the brake pedal to end the vehicle. Worn gone lines can change into a severe safety hazard. Habitual inspection of the brake process is critical on cars of this hour. Aftermarket suppliers posses replacement rubber lines for the certain double o and the fashionable shielded stainless steel brake wrinkle kits for superior braking efficiency.
1. Grassland the machine on a calm surface. Hoist the motorcar with a hydraulic jack. Community jack stands under the vehivle for advice and safety.
2. Remove the wheels and tires with a lug wrench.
3. Protect your hands and eyes from the brake fluid by using latex gloves and safety glasses. Allot the brake lines and abode a container under the Trimmings to accept the excess brake fluid. Remove the connexion from the caliper side with an direct deadline wrench and remit the fluid to empty into the pan. Remove the becoming on the advantage side using two agape site wrenches and remove the hose. Indication the position of any copper washers or couplers on the elderly lines so you can change them in the Correct categorization.
4. The next step requires continuous communication from the assistant to the brake bleeder.Have your assistant get into the driver's seat and pump the brake pedal a few times until it becomes firm. Have them press the pedal down and hold while you open the bleeder screw. Turn it a quarter of a turn counterclockwise with an open end wrench and close it just prior to the brake pedal being fully depressed. Repeat this process until all of the air bubbles have been removed from the system and you have a steady stream of brake fluid flowing through the clear tubing. Trial the brake borderline retaining clips to adjust positive they at the end secure.
5. Repeat the process on the other brakes lines.
6. Open the hood and remove the cap on the brake fluid reservoir. Fill the system with new brake fluid to the proper level.
7. Bleed the right rear brake first. You want to begin with the brake farthest from the reservoir and work toward the closest. Push a clear plastic drain tube over the bleeder screw and into a container.
8. Connect the distinct hose to the function becoming and caliper. Avail the cutting edge copper washers whether replacing with stainless steel hoses. Tighten the connections so they are between Fifteen and Twenty one foot pounds of torque.
9. Add brake fluid to the reservoir and repeat the process on the left rear brake. Continue to the right front and then the left front brake. Refill the brake fluid reservoir after each one.
10. Replace the the tires and wheels. Check the clearance on the front brake lines by turning the steering wheel right to left. Make sure the new lines are not rubbing on the tires or wheel assembly.
11. Remove the jack stands and lower the car. Replace the cap back on the brake fluid reservoir and close the hood.
12. Drive the car for a few days and recheck the brake line fittings for leakage.