Monday, September 29, 2014

Vehicle Fresh paint Removal Natural Home Remedies

There are many down home remedies for removing van distemper, depending on the facts that has been painted or stained. Whether you demand to remove paint from metal, such as a vehivle, there are mechanical methods you can bag that end not insert chemical strippers. When you necessitate to remove paint from clothes, rubbing alcohol or a spray lubricant may profession. House remedies can be used as an alternative to pathetic chemicals.

Mechanical Methods

One street to remove vehivle paint from metal without using an industrial chemical stripper is celebrated as "Disinfected and strip." This involves using a poly-abrasive CD attachment with an angle grinder. A poly-abrasive disc looks like a sponge but is made of hard material designed to quickly cut through paint. Most chemicals that are used to remove car paint, such as paint thinner or lacquer thinner, can discolor or damage the fabric, and may not be safe to use. A home remedy that you can try consists of rubbing alcohol or hair spray.Apply a small amount of rubbing alcohol or hair spray to the area of clothing that is stained. You will need to use a toothbrush to gently work at the paint to remove it from the clothing.

Attach the disc to your angle grinder, then make circular motions over the metal to remove the paint. You will then need to go over the entire area with wire wool to remove any excess paint.

Alcohol or Lubricant

Car paint tends to get on clothes accidentally when you're working on a painting project.