Installing a sunroof in a Nissan Sentra takes exceptional tools and precision cutting skills. Putting in a sunroof Sixteen inches Broad and Thirty six inches enduring or smaller allows you to conduct the dome cloudless in a Nissan Sentra. Quality parts and careful installation make the difference on a Nissan Sentra sunroof installation.
Smooth the edges of the opening with a file and test the sunroof frame for fit. Make any adjustments needed and coat the bare metal edges with metal primer to assist in inhibiting rust.4. Clean the bottom of the sunroof and run a bead of sealant around the lip. Pull out the headliner and support panels and set them aside.
2. Hold the shade tray up to the interior of the roof and make sure there is at least Four inches of clear space at each side. Dimple the metal slightly with a screwdriver at each corner.
3. Tape the sunroof template to the rooftop using the dimples as a guide. Drill a starter hole and cut out the roof with metal shears by following the template exactly.1. Place all of tools and sunroof parts in the work area where they are easy to access. Push the Sentra's seats all the way back and remove the dome light if necessary by unclipping the cover and removing the hidden screws.
Put the sunroof frame in place and attach the clamping ring and screws carefully.
5. Wipe off any excess sealant and assemble the rest of the sunroof by following the sunroof manuals instructions. Replace the support panels and headliner, using a razor knife to make alterations. Screw the dome light into place, if necessary, or terminate the wires with wire nuts.