The starter in your Ford F150 is a diminutive nevertheless cogent Engine with a solenoid connected to both the battery and engine that turns the engine over. A deficient starter won't spare the engine to turn over when you turn the leading. Whether you hear no cranking sound when turning the primary and understand that the battery/electrical development is pleasant, the starter probably needs replacing. You must disconnect the starter from the battery to remove it from the engine and alternate it.
1. Disconnect the cable from the Motor lorry battery's contradiction terminal. Uplift and secure the F150 on jack stands.
2. Disconnect the wiring from the starter motor solenoid. Install the inexperienced starter Engine and torque the mounting fasteners to Eighteen foot-pounds Everyone. Reconnect the ground cable to the lower mounting stud, then reconnect the wiring to the S and B+ terminals on the solenoid.5.
The starter has two or three bolts depending on the engine, with the lower bolt career a stud bolt. Remove the starter Engine.
4. Remove the hex devotee holding the cable to the B+ terminal and remove the cable. Create the equivalent with the cable connected to the S terminal.3. Disconnect the starter's ground cable from its lower mounting stud by removing its bolt, then remove the mounting fasteners attaching the starter motor to the engine.
Lower the F150, reconnect the colorless battery cable and confirmation the starter with the ignition basic. Connect a voltmeter or trial light to the solenoid's S terminal, and make sure the starter receives voltage at that terminal when the ignition switch is in the on position.