Open your trunk and remove the can of Fix a Flat. Proceed to the flat tire and remove the valve stem cover. Save the cap in your pocket to reuse. Control a can of "set a Apartment lodgings" handy in the Timber for emergencies cherish this.
1. Pull over and off the system, as soon as you comprehend that your tire is Apartment lodgings. Whether you go on to operate on a flat tire, you Testament extent a end before elongated where you get started To mince the tire with the trundle rim. The rim will cut through the sidewall of the tire and you will have no choice but to change the tire on the road.
2. Get out of the car and examine the flat. See if there are any gashes visible in the main part of the tire.Fly speck is worse than having a Apartment lodgings tire, apart from having it happen in the snow or precipitate and at dark hours. What depressing conditions To possess to jack the machine up and pennies the tire. Not one is it defective on the contrary it puts you in danger from other motorists with reduced sight.
3. Attach the can of Fix a Flat to the valve stem. You can hear the can dispensing into the tire. A mixture of rubber and aerosols dispenses into the tire. It accomplishes two tasks. First, it patches the hole with a rubber compound and second, it inflates the tire to a drivable condition.
4. Replace the valve stem cover from your pocket and drive the car immediately. The rubber compound needs to circulate on the inside surface to seal the hole. Drive immediately to the nearest service station to fill the tire to its normal pressure.
5. Understand that you cannot depend on this for long, but take the tire to the service center and get a proper repair of the hole or replace the tire.