Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Trobleshoot and fix A 1991 Toyota Camry

4. Turn off the scanner and unplug it. Consult a mechanic if the scanner recommends repairs that you are unable to perform on your own.

You Testament must an age or so of spare age and an OBD-1 scanner. You can jewel an OBD-1 scanner at your resident Car parts store; you engage in not itch any experience to utilize this effects, and you Testament be done troubleshooting your Toyota Camry within an generation.


1. Part the vehicle in a place that away from traffic and turn off the ignition. Locate the port under the driver's side dashboard that is the same shape and size as the OBD-1 scanner's cable. Plug the scanner into the port.

2. Turn the ignition key to the "On" position to turn the scanner on.

3. Read the codes displayed by the OBD-1 scanner. It may display a numerical code or a numerical code accompanied by a description. Write down all information displayed. You may need to refer to the manual that came with the scanner to understand the codes.

Troubleshoot your Camry Homewards.The One thousand nine hundred ninety one Toyota Camry is a public, efficient compact motorcar. It is remarkably accessible to troubleshoot your One thousand nine hundred ninety one Camry provided it is acting up or not working properly.