Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Gem Concentrates To Auto Fresh paint

Provided you are demiurgic Sufficiently to hunger to paint your motorcar yourself, you are might approximative to add some chilled baggage. Adding pearl concentrates to your Car whitewash is a bulky hang-up to accomplish an iridescent common event and confer your motorcar a distinctive beholding Each Testament heed.


3. Figure out how much reducer you will need. With pearl concentrates, it's important to excessively reduce to get that iridescent effect. Typical reduction amounts are Fifty to One hundred percent, but can vary depending on the type of clear coat you use.

Determine how much pearl concentrate you should add to your clear spray paint. If your base color is dark, use 3/4 to One tsp. of dry pearl concentrate, or 1/4 to 1/2 tsp. of pearl paste concentrate (per mixed quart of your clear ready-to-spray paint). If your base color is light, use One to Two tsp. of dry pearl concentrate, or 1/2 to One 1/2 tsp. of pearl paste concentrate per quart of clear paint.

1. Acquire your stain. Moreover to the pearl concentrates, you will need to buy a base paint and acrylic lacquer or urethane enamel ready-to-spray clear paint.2. Check the paint manufacturer's user guide or website to find out exactly how much reducer to use for the type of job you are doing.

4. Mix the clear paint, appropriate amount of pearl concentrate and the reducer.

5. Strain the paint into your paint gun and begin to work.