Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Take apart Calipers

Install the brake hose to the caliper using new brass washers and install the brake pads on the caliper. Set the caliper on the brake rotor and install the caliper mounting bolts.9. Install the tire and wheel lugs, lower the vehicle and finish tightening the wheel lugs.

Before starting the rebuilding system, though, brew firm you can keep all the replacement components for your specific vehicle mould and decisive tools.


1. Grounds your vehivle in a protected corner on a constant surface.

2. Loosen the circle lugs and lift the side of your vehivle where the caliper you are rebuilding is located. Convenience a floor jack and safely relieve the vehicle on a jack stand.

3. Remove the tire and remove the brake caliper mounting bolts from carry on the unit. Convenience a wrench, ratchet and socket or torx bit, depending on the type of bolts used on your specific vehicle. Lift the caliper off the brake rotor and remove the brake pads.

4. Secure the caliper with a wire; close not let it hang loose. District a rag or lot of wood across the caliper piston---where the brake pad mounts---and use the brakes to push the caliper piston elsewhere of its cylinder.

5. Country a petty remove pan underneath the caliper, disconnect the brake hose from the caliper and discard the brass washers from the brake hose. Let the brake hose drip onto the drain pan, lift the caliper off the wheel assembly and place it on the clean surface of a workbench.

6. Remove the piston and the cylinder boot out of the caliper using a screwdriver; then remove the piston seal off the caliper cylinder using a pointed or hook-type tool.

7. Hone the caliper cylinder if you see small marks on the walls using a hone tool and a drill. Lubricate the cylinder with brake fluid, install a new piston (if necessary), seal and boot. Make sure no dust or other foreign particles get between the assembled parts to avoid premature failure of caliper components.


Universal caliper mounted on a brake rotor.Senescence of advantage keep a toll on your vehicle brake calipers. They may freeze, leak or wear further yet that rebuilding is de rigueur. These steps Testament benefit you disassemble and reassemble the brake calipers with contemporary parts.