Codes are a usual antitheft Slogan on factory-issue radios.
Audi automobile radios are preinstalled with an antitheft deterrent. Whether the radio is disconnected from the wire harness, the battery is disconnected from the vehicle or the battery runs Apartment lodgings, owners must enter a law to unlock the radio.
Vehicle Paperwork
If you want to purchase the unlock code for your Audi's radio, Internet sites provide this service. Visit one of these sites, provide your radio type, serial number and pay the fee.Provided you cannot bonanza your enactment record, contact your nearest Audi dealer. Administer your vehicle identification cipher and identification details to prove you are the owner. The dealer will find your code in its database and give it to you to enter in the vehicle.
Your archetypal vehicle paperwork contains the radio enactment on a credit-card sized record. Glom down your vehicle paperwork to jewel the four-digit decree and enter it in the switched-on radio to unlock it.
Audi Dealer
The code will then be emailed to you, and you can it enter it in your Audi radio.