A brace of vice grips and fuel injector cleaner Testament Disinfected your injectors coextensive late.
Whether your van has been sitting all over unused for a while or you due simply require To cleanse your fuel injectors, you could acquire a bottle of fuel injector cleaner from an Car parts store and add it to your Gauze cistern along with a comprehensive vat of Gauze. Provided you wish a augmented complete cleaning, you can really soak your fuel injectors in the fuel injector cleaner.
Place the injectors into a bucket of new injector cleaner, then dry them off.10. Replace the o-rings, pintle caps, and internal filters for each of the injectors.
2. Remove the two o-rings from each fuel injector. Use the illustration in the
Resources section to locate the o-rings.
3. Remove the pintle cap from each fuel injector. Use the illustration in the Resources section to locate the pintle cap.
4. Remove the internal filter from each fuel injector using your vise grips.
5. Place all the pieces from the fuel injectors in a safe place.
6. Put the fuel injectors in the gallon bucket and add fuel injector cleaner until the fuel injectors are completely covered.
7. Soak the injectors overnight.
8. Take each injector out after they are done soaking and blow the remaining gunk out with the air compressor. Be sure to blow the debris away from you so it doesn't get in your eyes or mouth. Repeat this with each fuel injector.
9.1. Remove your fuel injectors. There is one fuel injector for every cylinder in your car.