Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Replace A Lost Texas License Plate

Driving without a licence plate is a misdemeanour in Texas.

Irretrievable or damaged Texas licence plates want to be replaced as soon as credible. Texas act requires two license plates on your vehicle. Failure to conform is a misdemeanour charge and offenders are punishable by beneficial. The standard fee is $5.30 per plate. An additional $1 is charged for residents of a county with more than 50,000 residents. Specialty plates are more expensive to replace.

Pay for the apropos licence plate replacement contour. The appearance for requesting the replacement of a guideline licence plate is VTR-60. Everyone specialty license plate has a unique form. Forms are available for download from the Texas Department of Motor Vehicles website (see References). VTR-60 is also available at most county tax offices; other forms depend on demand and may not be available.

2. Complete the request form. Indicate whether you need only the license plate or also the registration stickers. Include your full name and contact information. Also indicate your vehicle's year, make and model, and its Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Sign an affidavit affirming the information on your form is correct and that you will only use the replacement plates on the described vehicle.

3. Determine the fee required for your replacement plate. Moreover to the criterion "Lone Star Texas" plates, there are a figure of fine speciality plates. Speciality plates can echo academic affiliation or alma mater, military status, agency for charities or organizations, type of vehicle and habitual supply or agricultural labour.


1. On average, they cost $30 per plate. Customization of plates is permitted for an additional variable fee.

4. Submit the completed form and the requisite fee to your local county tax office. Offices are listed in most Texas phone books. You can also locate your local office using the Texas DMV website (see Resources).