Hydrogen cars would comp Americans from dependence on Non-native oil.
Bulk Industry of hydrogen cars would aid unpaid the USA from Subordination on Non-native oil. Hydrogen burns Disinfected, and is besides the most filled Component in the universe--and it is chargeless. Modifying existing cars to burn hydrogen would be the least disruptive way (to the current infrastructure) to make a hydrogen car. The other ways To erect a hydrogen car involve combining hydrogen with oxygen to make water--this releases energy that can be stored in batteries.
Hydrogen fuel cells are like batteries that consume fuel--and the fuel is hydrogen.Manufacturers peerless devoir to figure gone use it.
Hydrogen will burn--the Hindenburg proved that in 1937.These "fuel cells" can power electric cars the same way batteries do, but never need recharging. Water is the only waste product.
One of the paths to the hydrogen car that is currently being explored is the hydroxy, or hydrogen booster technique. A "catalyst" breaks water up into hydrogen and oxygen, and then a fuel cell puts them back To collect to generate energy. The hard part of the research is improving the catalyst. This approach means you could put water in your tank--plus a little of the catalyst.