The crankshaft position sensor relays clue to the on-board pc.
The crankshaft position sensor or CKP, on a Chevy Silverado attaches to the transmission bell housing under the starter. When the engine is running, it sends an electronic pulse to the vehicle's on-board pc -- the capacity train driver's seat module, which determines the firing plan of the cylinders. A defective CKP Testament induce the ignition operation; you may heed Rugged idling, engine misfires or hesitation during acceleration. Replacing a defective CKP is a straightforward ball-buster.
1. Elevate the hood and fix the battery in the front, Chauffeur's side of the vehicle. Remove the opposite (melanoid) terminal clamp from the battery with an adjustable wrench.
2.3. Remove the starter shield retaining bolt secured to the transmission bell housing with a socket wrench. Remove the starter mounting bolts. Motion the starter away from the phone housing a inconsiderable until you are able to remove the starter shield.
Chock the rear wheels. Hoist the front of the Silverado with a jack, then slowly lower it to rest securely on jack stands. Allot the starter; under the engine attached to the transmission telephone housing, on the passenger side.
4. Lower the starter from the mounting and carefully on ice the transmission cooler lines. Disconnect the nuts that secure the electrical connectors to the starter with an adjustable wrench, then pull the connectors off. Remove the starter from the Silverado. The CKP is at once accessible.
5. Pull the tab on the CKP electrical connector elsewhere and outside from it. Loosen the CKP mounting bolt with a socket wrench and remove it from the vehicle.
6. To reinstall the CKP, follow the steps for removal in reverse order.