Thursday, August 13, 2015

Make Use Of An Elcometer

Degree the emulsion thickness with an elcometer.

An elcometer is generally used as a paint thickness measuring Slogan, although it Testament degree the applied thickness of any blasted substrate coating. Measuring colouring or substrate coatings chalk up many practical and condition authority applications in the Production. Commonly, commercial used-car buyers Testament degree the tint thickness on automobiles to card damaged or repainted areas. By properly reading an elcometer, you can complete if a substrate coating Testament be thick and durable Sufficiently, or provided an car has been rebuilt after activity in an accident.


Substrate Coatings

1. Calibrate your textbook elcometer by inserting a quantity of base tape and measuring the thickness. Once the thickness of the tape is confessed, naught away the elcometer.

2. Assign your representation tape on a group of coated substrate, adhesive side down, and firmly rub the centre with a burnishing thing.

Automobile Paint

4. Calibrate your digital elcometer to zero. In most cases, however, elcometers come pre-calibrated from the factory.

This enterprise will pick up the underlying coating and transfer it to the tape.3. Remove the replica tape from the substrate and place the center rubbed area into the elcometer. Read the thickness on the dial, and that is the thickness of the substrate coating.

5. Press the measuring end opposite the meter end, onto any painted side of an automobile. This will give you a measurement representing the thickness of the paint.

6. Measure the paint thickness in many different areas and compare the results. Digital elcometers send an electronic signal through the paint that bounces back to the unit, much like radar. Measurements that are close in value will show a regular paint job with no blemishes or body damaged. Wildly swinging measurement figures will show body damage that has been aesthetically repaired using a body filler, that was then covered up and hidden by being painted over.