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Unmarried Phase
Whether you don't brainpower getting your hands soiled and demand to memorize extra approximately your vehicle, changing your own oil is a dwelling to begin. To perform a intact oil exchange, you must fundamental remove the withdraw plug and remove the oil from the vehicle. Here's cause it.
1. Slide under the vehivle. Set the oil pan. Contemplation for a goodly nut with a washer under it at the bottom of the oil pan. This is the oil drain plug.
2. Make sure you're looking at the oil drain plug, not the transmission drain plug. Allow several minutes for all the old oil to drain out. If you still aren't sure, check your vehicle's owner's manual.
3. Spread newspaper under the car. Put a large container under the oil drain plug. Make sure the pan is large enough to catch all the oil.
4. Get a crescent wrench, box-end wrench or six-point socket. Put it around the nut and turn counter-clockwise. Loosen the plug until it is finger-tight.
5. Make sure the pan is positioned properly and that your body is out of the way of the drain plug. Remove the plug by unscrewing it with your fingers.
6. The nut on the oil drain plug is larger. Feel the metal around the plug to be sure. It should be hot.