Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Wire A Wiper Switch

Another cause for a windscreen wiper.

Most automobiles accept two-speed windscreen wipers. Some windscreen wipers bear one or besides intermittent settings. The windscreen wiper switch is in reality two switches working cool. One provides function to the high-reaching and low-speed terminals on the windscreen wiper Engine for the two speeds. The moment switch provides competence to lawns the wipers when the windscreen wipers are turned off. Here is how you would wire a two-speed windscreen wiper switch.


1. Establish the high-low side of the switch. This side should keep four terminals -- eminent, low, off and daily. Fix the park side of the switch. This also should have four terminals -- not used, not used, park and common.

2. Locate the high terminal on the switch. Connect this terminal to the high-speed motor contact. This wire may be marked "53b."

3. Locate the low terminal on the switch. Connect this terminal to the low-speed motor contact. This wire may be marked "53." Also connect this low terminal to the park terminal on the switch.

4. Locate the common terminal on the park side of the switch. Connect this terminal to the parking cam terminal on the wiper motor. This wire may be marked "53e."

Locate the common terminal on the high-low side of the switch. Connect this terminal to 12-volt battery power. This wire may be marked "53a."5.