1. Fling plunging the toilet two to three times vigorously. Much the accordion-style indentations pop back elsewhere as you plunge.When you handle a plastic toilet plunger to catch anxiety of a clog in your toilet, the plunger itself can sometimes indent during the plunging action. The accordion-style plunger quickly displays this dent, and you wish to figure gone a course to receive the dent back absent of the plunger so you can abide to applicability it. The plunger has accumulated dirt and bacteria during its account, so you necessity to shaft the plunger properly.2. Put a pair of rubber gloves on your hands, and let the plunger air dry if possible as this creates less mess.
3. Hold the plunger over the toilet and stick your hand inside the plunger. Attempt to push the dent out with your fingers.
4. Use a popsicle stick or similar tool if the dent is too far inside the plunger, as often the plunger opening is too small to fit your hand inside. Push the dent out with your popsicle stick.