A radiator flush is one of those maintenence tasks that unusual persons esteem approximately, on the contrary that Each should end on a typical grounds. Cooling systems time honorable close remainder of your Motor lorry, albeit in a slower and aggrandized predictable action; rust scale, mineral deposits and free-floating metal can easily turn a original and can't complain engine into an overheating pile within a sporadic senescence' continuance. Habitual motors doesn't folder coolant flushes as apportionment of the Blazer or S-10's general perpetuation diary, on the other hand they create reccomend inspecting the cooling system every 9,000 miles; in this instance, acknowledge flushing whenever it's era to alternate the coolant.
1. Grassland your Motor lorry on calm ground, or facing slightly downhill whether you can't prompt to flush ground. Turn the engine off and own the Motor lorry to chilled down, so that the radiator doesn't spew Hot inundate in your face when you extensive its cap. Dehiscent the cap when it's defended to do so.
2. Slide under the truck and look for the radiator drain valve -- the radiator petcock valve, as it's also known.7. Allow the truck to idle for Thirty minutes, periodically pushing the hose down and refilling, as necessary. Keep an eye on the cooling system over the next week or so. Air bubbles trapped in the block will continue to percolate up, and you'll need to keep adding fluid to compensate for this.
3. Dump the radiator fluid flush into your radiator, start the truck and put the heater on at its highest setting. The heater core will clog just like your radiator, and now is as good a time as any To cleanse it out. Leave the cap off the radiator and allow the truck to idle for Twenty to Thirty minutes. Keep an eye on the water level and top the radiator up, as necessary.
4. Shut the truck down, allow it to cool and open the petcock valve to drain the fluid. The flush fluid will come out looking like a mixture of lime Kool-Aid and milk; dispose of it and the old antifreeze at a hazardous waste facility, so it won't harm your pets or your family members.
5. Refill the truck with water and run another flush cycle, this time for Fifteen minutes. Refill the radiator, as necessary. Drain it again and refill with antifreeze.
6. Start the truck and allow it to idle, continuously refilling the radiator with coolant as the levels drop. After the truck warms up and the thermostat opens, carefully reach into the engine bay and push the upper radiator hose downward -- the upper radiator hose is the high point on your cooling system, and it will trap any air bubbles that come up from the block.
You can find it on the bottom-left side of the radiator, facing the rear of the truck, right next to the lower radiator hose. Place the drain pan under the petcock valve and open it to drain the fluid. Close the valve and refill the radiator only with water.