Friday, March 13, 2015

Indications Of A Poor Catalytic Ripper tools Inside A Ford Escort

Grab your toolbox.

When the catalytic converter in your Ford Escort becomes clogged or damaged, it restricts air flow to the engine and consequently increases back-pressure. This can constitute a cross-section of symptoms in the automobile all the more may be hard to diagnose due to its mimicry of other problems. This is due to the increased back-pressure.


If the catalytic converter is damaged, you may hear the parts rattling inside the converter.

This results in a marked increase in gas usage.


When the catalytic converter is clogged, it may cause your Escort to stall or die after short periods of driving. Provided you are experiencing signs of decreased air flow in your Ford Escort, accede checking the catalytic converter.

Gas Guzzling

Since air does not flow properly to an engine with a clogged catalytic converter, the engine works harder than usual.

Typically, the rattle will be louder when your Escort is idling and less noticeable at higher speeds.

Whistling on Acceleration

A clogged catalytic converter may also hamper the exhaust flow. This can cause a whistling sound upon acceleration.