The One thousand nine hundred ninety Dodge Dakota was equipped with an A-500 four-speed automatic transmission. Within the transmission is a band that works commensurate a clutch, holding and releasing the transmission's drums. It is decisive to periodically adjust the band since friction data gradually wears down and the band stretches from heat.5. Tighten the adjusting screw to Seventy two inch-pounds of torque with a torque wrench.6.
2. Loosen the bolts that secure the edges of the transmission pan to the bottom of the transmission with a wrench, then tap the pan loose with a mallet and allow the fluid to drain into the catch pan.
3. Remove the pan's bolts and lower the pan off of the transmission to reveal the single adjusting screw located at the back of the passenger's side of the transmission's cavity. Note that a lock nut is located at the base of the adjusting screw.
4. Loosen the lock nut with a wrench.
Happily, adjusting the band is a quite straightforward gig, on the contrary the transmission's oil pan must be removed to access the band's adjusting screw.
1. Position a catch pan underneath the transmission's pan, then remove the pan's drain bolt with a wrench and allow the transmission fluid to drain into the catch pan.Turn the adjusting screw in a counterclockwise direction four complete revolutions.
7. Tighten the lock nut to Twenty five foot-pounds of torque with a torque wrench.
8. Position a new gasket onto the transmission pan. Do not apply gasket sealant to this gasket.
9. Press the transmission pan against the bottom of the transmission, then install and tighten the pan's retaining bolts with a wrench.
10. Fill the transmission with four quarts of new transmission fluid.