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Unmarried Sheet
Digital multimeter
Assorted terms are associated with checking a lead-acid storage battery. "Surface charge" refers to the charge that builds up on the outer surface of the battery's fine plate or "anode." The surface charge provides a false communication of the battery's context and must be discharged before testing the battery with a digital multimeter (DMM). "Frank succession" voltage is demonstrate at the battery's terminals when there's no load growth applied to the battery. The expanded circuit voltage, when measured with a DMM, is a commendable notice of the battery's actual occasion. A battery's voltage taken under load conditions is the elite letter of its example and serviceability.
1. Merge the baking soda with a dinky baptize in the plastic container to fashion a glue. Call this glue To cleanse the corrosion from the battery cables and battery terminal posts. A reading of 12.7 volts indicates a fully charged battery. A reading of 12.6 volts indicates a Ninety percent charge. If the battery indicates 12.4 volts or less, charge the battery, then retest the battery using the DMM.
Dry the posts using shop rags.
3. Remove any remaining corrosion with the wire brush. Be careful to not get any of this corrosion on your clothes--lead-acid batteries use an electrolyte of diluted sulfuric acid, which will burn holes in your clothing.
4. Set the function switch on your DMM to the DC Voltage function. If your DMM isn't an auto ranging meter, set the range switch to the 20-volt range.
5. Discharge the battery's surface charge by turning the vehicle's headlights on for a minute or two.
6. Press the tips of the test probes firmly into the battery's posts. A solid, Disinfected connexion is required to receive an accurate voltage reading.2. Draining eye Safeguard, brush the glue onto the battery posts. Let it set for Fifteen minutes, then rinse off with water.
7. Check the battery's voltage under load. While holding the test probes in place, have a helper crank the engine over. A good battery shouldn't drop below 12.4 volts during the load test.